You have the right…
- to considerate and respectful health care
- to know the names and professional status of the people serving you
- to privacy/confidentiality concerning your own health care program and medical records
- to receive accurate information about your health related concerns
- to participate in choosing a form of treatment
- to consent to or refuse any care or treatment
- to a quick response to reports of pain
- to select and/or change your health care provider and to expect reasonable continuity of care
- to review your medical records with a clinician
- to receive information about services and related costs
- to examine and receive an explanation of all charges
- to receive full information and counseling on the availability of known financial resources for your health care
- to have access to an interpreter when possible if you are a non English-speaking patient
- to a timely resolution of any question, complaint, or problem regarding Chesapeake Health Care services or procedures
- to inspect and copy your personal health information upon written request
- to amend your health record, in writing, with a reason to support request
- to receive an accounting of disclosures upon written request
- to request restrictions on use and disclosure of your information except disclosures we are legally required to make
- to receive confidential communications in a certain way. i.e.: mail; at work only, etc.
- to paper copy of Notice of Privacy Policy at any time.
- to electronic copies of health information and to restrict disclosure to a health plan concerning treatment for which individual paid out of pocket.
- to receive notifications of unsecured Patient Health Information
You have the responsibility…
- to seek medical attention promptly
- to be honest about your medical history
- to ask about anything you do not understand
- to follow health advice and instructions
- to report any significant changes in symptoms or failure to improve
- to work with your provider and nurse on management of pain
- to respect clinic policies
- to keep appointments or cancel in advance
- to seek non-emergency care during regular business hours
- to provide useful feedback about services
- to make prompt payments on your account and be knowledgeable about your insurance coverage
Patient Rights and Responsibilities